Thursday 13 March 2014

I would like to tell you about my book.....THE QUEEN OF THE HARBOUR.....that is being published by SAFKHET.... and I am proud to say is coming out on line on Valentines Day.  I wrote this story many years ago, as often is the case and I was beginning to wonder if it was going to get old fashioned, yes! even writing about the nineties can be old fashioned - would you believe.  But its not exactly history, although one has to be careful - that it does not become - what you call dated.  Anyway, I wrote this when I was - lets say mooching about Spain.  I was in my early forties and spending much time there and met so many interesting people, that as I read the story again, I feel their presence - wonderful colourful people.  It was a magical time and when I speak to friends today who knew those times, they say - its not the same anymore.  So when I was back at home, I wrote stories about this place and those times and of course the romance that I experienced.  It kind of bought a lot back as I was writing and only a few days ago found myself looking up old photo`s and thinking about those romantic times...Oh well - nice to dream again, but no names mentioned.  The Queen of the Harbour is coming out tomorrow and is a story that stands on its own. I delved into my imagination as well as my past experiences and came up with the story.  The character of Neave, perhaps she is someone we would all like to be like, if we had her courage, for she ran away and ended up living the life she wanted.  Something I dont think many of us have the courage to do. Nevertheless, my Neave did and she also took the lovers she wanted and still ended up being - a Queen of the Harbour.   But in my story we see what a courageous girl she is, as she handles the storm at sea and helps bring back the two girls from Morocco to a better life, for unlike me Neave can handle a boat, she can also swim like a mermaid. So perhaps you would like to see how she arrived at her destination of attaining her hearts desire, for she is in the prime of her life, beautiful and the world is her oyster.  When I wrote about the sea, I did not know one end of a boat from another, but on picking up a book at a second hand shop, I found it was written by a man called Tristan Jones - (born at sea aboard a british ship off the island of Tristan da Cunha.  The book was entitled "The Incredible Voyage". He had crossed the Atlantic eithteen times undersail, nine times alone.  Reading his story, taught me about boats and the winds at sea and I was able to write about the storm as the girls sailed their cabin cruiser across the Gibraltar Straits. In my story there are three women, going to fetch back from Morocco two young girls and we see the many dangers they all experience.  But although Neave finds Romance, she will no longer let any man hold her down. For she was a down trodden women, who has broken free and is happy to be a Queen of the Harbour.

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