Saturday 22 March 2014


It was a great day spent in York, but not a lot of time for much sightseeing, although, I looked in fascination at the ancient stone wall as we walked from the station. "Its the bar wall" my friend Samantha told me "built to keep the Romans out".  As we walked over the bridge, that crossed the river Ooz, there was a ferry boat moored alongside the footpath - "Thats called The Judi Dench Walk" Samantha informed me proudly, for Judi was also a Yorkshire girl like herself. We walked through the bustling narrow streets to find the restaurant where we were to meet Safkhet authors, stopping in the square to listen to a band that played rock music.  The lunch at the Jamie Oliver restaurant was organised by Lin Treadgold who was one of the authors and had written a popular novel called "Henrietta Street".  We was not sure what authors would be there, but once inside this restaurant, I was pleased to see a couple of familiar faces, that I had seen on face/book.  Upstairs in the restaurant, we  sat at a long table, under a tall window where the sun streamed in and in the corner sat Marilyn Chapman, who I knew from her blogs as the Guernsey Girl and thinking she had come all the way from Guernsey, was to find out she now lived in the north of England.  Marilyn was a journalist and had written a book entitled "baggypants and booties" published by Safkhet and we shared the same publication day, for both our books came out on Valentines Day.  Next to her sat Irene Soldaris, who was the author of the book "Bad Bishop" and another author I was pleased to meet in person. There was lots of talk about during the meal, all having a lot in common as fellow authors with Safkhet and the meal was enjoyable. The Italian food was served by pleasant young people, whose attire was reminiscent of the school uniform, with shirts and ties and on the wall a blackboard displayed the |Jamie Oliver cocktail list.,  There was no mistaking it was his restaurant, there were lines of his books on shelves, some with his smiling face.  And just like the medieval town itself, built with ancient stone, his restaurant was built in the same style, with a labyrinth of different rooms, where food was served from an open kitchen, behind a long bar.  So dining in this Jamie Oliver Italian restaurant, was a real treat, especially now I am a Safkhet author myself, with my novel "Queen of the Harbour" and I took the opportunity to give out my -hand out cards - as us authors do.  After the meal, together with Lin Treadgold, Irene Soldaris and Marilyn Chapman, I had my photograph taken.  It was certainly some photo - with the four safket authors together. It was taken by Samantha - she herself, is not yet published, but hopefully that wont be long off, especially now her book "Raven Heart" is edited and ready to be sent out into the world of publishing.  I really enjoyed my day at York, despite the fact, there was not much time for seeing places of interest, like the Viking Museum, as we were travelling back that evening.  but after the lunch with Lin and Samantha I went inside the York Minster, that beautiful cathedral, built in the shape of a cross.  its sheer size and splendour, was a joy to see. We also got time, to walk in the museum gardens and see the daffodils in bloom. We had purchased some peanuts to feed the squirrels, although it was the pigeons, who got most of them, one with white tail feathers, even landed on my lap as I sat on the bench.  But despite the spring scene in the park, there was a shower of rain. There was just time for a quick look at the ruins, but getting wet, rushed away.  Although, the heavy shower seemed soon over as we went back through the town and from behind a tall building, there was a glimpse of a bright rainbow.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day, Angela. Sorry I missed it, it would have been lovely to meet everyone x

  2. It was great to meet you, too, Angela - and what better place than York?
